Why do Automatic Cars Have a Neutral Gear?

If you are experienced in driving an automatic car, you will know the need for a gear of neutral between reverse and drive, which is never used. So you must be thinking that why neutral has been given then. Of course, whenever you stop and park the vehicle, you usually select Park and apply the handbrake. In fact, park and neutral are basically the same things. There is a locking mechanism in the park, called a 'pawl', which prevents the transmission from turning, and should only be used when the vehicle has stopped. With the transmission locked in the park, the handbrake is always used to prevent overloading and damage to the transmission. Here it is similar to Neutral Park but without the locking mechanism. So when and why do we use neutrals? It is generally seen that the main purpose of neutral on automatic is to tow or push the car. You will not be able to push or tow a car with the transmission in park and if you tow a car with the transmission in gear or in the park a...